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Latest Statistics:
Survival rate: In a 14-year clinical trial, the patient survival rate was 95.1%.
AVR scores: In the same trial, 92% of patients maintained or improved their assisted ventilatory rating (AVR) scores.
Complications: One study found a 41% complication rate for patients who had final fusion surgery.
Cobb angle correction: One study found that the average Cobb angle correction was 26% immediately after surgery, but only 18% at the 2-year follow-up.
Age at surgery: One study found that the mean age at the end of VEPTR treatment was 13.8 years.
Number of expansion procedures: One study found that the average number of expansion procedures was 4.26.
Vertical Expandable Prosthetic Titanium Rib (VEPTR) Overview ...
VEPTR is a surgical treatment for early onset scoliosis (EOS). It can grow with the child, which means they may need fewer surgeries as they get older. VEPTR can also help children with thoracic insufficiency syndrome (TIS) breathe easier.
Long term outcome of vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib ...
VEPTR, vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib. Younger age at first VEPTR implantation and higher major curve's and main kyphosis.